01 Mar Event
Mobius Logic’s CEO will present on creating a flexible, resilient, approach to AI
Defense Strategies Institute 11th Annual Unmanned & Autonomous Systems Summit will emphasize the integration of UxS capabilities into the multi-domain operating environment as well as their use cases beyond the battlefield in support of DoD.
The Summit will cover strategic and technical priorities and emerging research to best support UxS utilization across the services.
On March 9, 2023, at 3:00 PM ET, Christian Manasseh, Mobius Logic’s CEO, will be presenting on:
- How Do You Create Autonomy In The Current Defense Ecosystem?
- How do you address next-generation defense challenges in unmanned and autonomous space?
- Do you have the necessary tools to combat the ever-evolving technologies of our adversaries?
- What is the biggest hurdle that we need to overcome to acquire and operationalize these new technologies?