Airman Role-based Intelligence Search Engine (A-RISE)

Mobius Logic delivers a comprehensive intelligence search system, designed specifically for DoD Fusion Analysts and the units they support.

Fusion Analysts can now search through classified and unclassified information quickly and easily within a single system. A-RISE is built using microservices for NIPRNet and can easily be deployed to SIPRNet and JWICS.

An intelligent query interface in which word swapping, synonyms and general topic framework can be understood by the system; thus, reducing the number of queries performed on the same topic.


Natural Language Processing that enables a comprehensive understanding of the topics presented in the documents being searched on. A document discussing ‘protests’, for example, will result in good matches on keywords such as: ‘gatherings’, ‘crowd safety’, ‘opposition’, without having these exact words mentioned in the document.

The ability to learn the user role’s search pattern over time, so that, ultimately, a fusion analyst interested in reporting on threat prevention will be given a result set relevant to threat prevention which could be different than a result set for a user interested in targeting or weaponeering.

Confidence. Intelligence. Results.

Leveraging a user-profile driven intelligent search interface, A-RISE automatically aggregates all types of intelligence data from multiple sources, it filters and tags this data for search and categorization, and reports the data in easily searchable, sharable formats that enable clear communication and provide the needed data for rapid and verifiable action. As Fusion Analysts work with the system, A-RISE learns usage patterns, and improves the quality of data searches, military intelligence, and analysis – giving every analyst the tools they need to find their critical needle in every haystack!

reach out today, to discuss how WE can help address your AI needs